MRT Dongle V3.82 Latest Setup Rollout Free Download All MRT USERS
MRT Dongle V3.82 Latest Setup Rollout Free Download All MRT USERS
MRT 3.82 New Update Setup File Free HERE | Support Xiaomi X10 and X10 Pro !!!
In this post, I have the latest version of MRT Dongle setup 3.82 is released for all users. no, you have used this tool without any error in the previous version some bugs have coming. but now in this version, you have to use the tool without any error. I have shared the changelog of this tool please check once and checkout what’s new in this update.

Previously on March 17, 2021, we had an update to MRT key 3.81. However, it seems that the problem is still not fully resolved. This new version of MRTkey has not helped technicians crack passwords on Oppo models.
To break passwords of models such as Oppo a83, Oppo F3, F9 … we still need to remove the device and poke TP
So, with this new update of MRT key 3.82, can we solve this difficult problem?
Please return to the website often to update the latest 3.82 MRT key!
Meanwhile, if you have not downloaded MRT key 3.81, the download link is below!
What is the MRT updated?
ADD RedMi9
ADD XiaoMicc9e ADD XiaoMi8 ursa
ADD XiaoMi8
ADD XiaoMi8se;
ADD XiaoMi8 equuleus
ADD XiaoMimix 3
ADD XiaoMimix 2S
ADD XiaoMicc9
ADD XiaoMicc9 vela
ADD XiaoMi9se
ADD RedMi Note8
ADD RedMi note7 pro
ADD RedMi 7a
ADD RedMi 8
ADD RedMi 8a
ADD Xiaomi PDA4
ADD Xiaomi X10 4G
All of the Xiaomi on the list (even the old update) can support flash recording