Forgot iPhone Password Apple ID Recover
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Forgot iPhone passcode
The iPhone is one of the most popular models of cell phone offering excelling features, graphics and apps. How Forgot iPhone Password and Apple ID recover, iPhone does not come with a passcode assigned to it. However, it is possible for the user to change the settings so that a passcode is required before it is possible to access the data in the phone. This passcode is a four-digit / six digits number and should be something that you can easily remember because if the passcode is forgotten, there is no easy way to reset the password without restoring the phone using the iTunes software.
Reset iphone to factory settings
If you forgot iPhone password it often requires that the phone is reset to factory settings which will cause you to lose all data and apps that are within the phone. Unfortunately, Apple does not offer any information on what to do if you forgot iPhone password lock screen code the first thing that you will need to do is install a copy of iTunes. This program is necessary in order to reset the iPhone and unlock the iPhone by removing the required passcode that has been assigned to the phone. Once you have successfully installed iTunes to the home of laptop computer you would like to use, you will then need to connect the iPhone to the computer using a USB cable. The computer and iTunes should recognize the device once it is connected. iTunes should open automatically once the phone has been recognized. The device will automatically sink with iTunes which will transfer all of the data from the phone into the iTunes account.