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GSM Tools V1.3.0.1 New For Apple ADB Motorola Samsung Tool

GSM Tools v1.3.0.1 Apple, ADB, Motorola, new tools for Samsung

GSM Tools v1.3.0.1 is a small tool for Windows computers and developed Users are allowed to credit base and some free features allow all users to remove FRP, on the iCloud lock and FMI prison tool, unlock Motorola server base and flash Samsung firmware download And allows some useful features that allow the tool that allows. For all users.

Gsm tools v1. 3. 0. 1 new for apple adb motorola samsung tool

Features GSM Tools:

— GSMTools v1.3.0.0 —
1. Fixed Bug in Moto Flasher
— GSMTools v1.3.0.0 —
1. Added New Base for Motorola Firmware Downloader (625 New Files)
2. Added New Feature to Motorola Firmware Downloader (Now You can Select Download Path for Files)
3. Added New Method to disable Claro/Telcel Lock (ADB Enabled)
4. Added New Method to disable Knox/RMM/MDM Lock on Samsung Devices (ADB Enabled)
5. Added FMI OFF With Proxy (Supports from 5s to 12 Pro Max), Just Register UDID and Follow Instructions
6. Fixed Issue with FMI OFF AutoRemove (JailBreak 6s – X)
7. Fixed Samsung Firmware Downloader
8. Added New Method for FRP Bypass in Samsung Devices (MTP Method)
9. Added Combination Download Option in Samsung Firmware Downloader
10. Removed FRP Remove By Server (Motorola Devices) – Service OFF
— GSMTools v1.2.0.5 —
1. Added Main Module with Bypass/Remove for RMM/KG/Knox Enrollment/MDM/Claro & Telcel Lock
2. Added new Feature to Moto Flasher (Can flash selected Partitions)
3. Added New Base for Motorola Firmware Downloader
4. Fixed Bug in Moto Flasher
— GSMTools v1.2.0.2 —
1. Fixed Lockscreen bug in iCloud Bypass Untethered (Passcode/Disabled)
2. Fixed Bug in Moto Firmware Downloader
— GSMTools v1.2.0.1 —
1. Fixed Account bug in iCloud Bypass Untethered
2. Fixed Bug in Moto Flasher
3. Added Motorola Firmware Searcher and Downloader
4. Added iCloud Remove (Jailbreak and Passcode/Disabled or Open Menu Devices) (Support iOs 13 and 14)
5. Fixed some known bugs
GSMTools v1.1.0.2
1. Improved Security and Some bug fixes
GSMTools v1.1.0.1
1. Fixed Issue with Motorola Server and Check Status
GSMTools v1.1.0.0
2. Translated to English
GSMTools v1.0.1.0
1. Mejorado Metodo de FRP Motorola (Soporta Seguridad Mayo 2020)
2. AutoLogin Actualizable con cada Cambio de Usuario (Arreglado)
3. Arreglado Problema de Conexion (Server Side)
GSMTools v1.0.0.5
1. Arreglado Metodo de Bypass a Desactivados o con Codigo ( No Funcionaba)
GSMTools v1.0.0.4:
1. Eliminadas las dependencias de Putty y pscp
2. Arreglada la conexion del Bypass a Desactivados o con Codigo
3. Arreglado Bug del Login
4. Arreglados Bugs de Motorola Codes, Flasher
5. Agregado Read Info Motorola
GSMTools v1.0.0.3:
1. Conexion con Putty Arreglada.
2. Motorola Flasher Agregado.
3. Motorola Fastboot Fix Agregado.
4. Motorola FRP Agregado (Soporta Nuevas seguridades de 2020).
GSMTools v1.0.0.2:
1. iCloud Bypass Server Connection Fixed.
2. Motorola Codes Service Bug Fixed.
GSMTools v1.0.0.0:
1. iCloud ByPass Con Señal Para Equipos Bloqueados/Desactivados Agregado.
2. Motorola Codes Service Agregado.
3. Samsung Firmware Downloader Agregado.
4. iCloud ByPass Para Equipos Restaurados (Sin Señal) Agregado.

How To Use?

  1. First, you need to download the tool from the below link
  2. Next, install the tool on your windows computer need Windows 7 and a newer version
  3. Next, open a browser and open this link::
  4. Click on the “create account” and create a username and password for use a tool
See also  Samsung FRP Remove Qualcomm Smartphone With Qfil Tool

1 2

Next, you have to need to fill the small form to register on the website and make a username & Password

2 1

Next, you need to remember your id password and back to the desktop and run the tool. on there you need to enter your login details to open and use the tool.


Compatibility: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit) runs completely.

Take a backup: If you are ready to try the above tool, please back up your personal data from your Android smartphone or tablet. As a firmware or recovery shines can be a brick device.

Credits: GSM Tools V1.3.0.1 is created and distributed by the developer. Therefore, full credit goes on to developer to share the tool for free.

Download Link:: Link 1:: Link 2:: Link 3:: Link 4

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