
Samsung G920P Root File

Step-by-Step Instructions to Root Sprint Galaxy S6 SM-G920P With Android 7.0 Nougat Using CF-Auto-Root: Sprint has updated Galaxy S6 SM-G920P To Android 7.0 Nougat Officially. If you have been able to update your device to the most recent version of Android Nougat and now looking for a tutorial on rooting then you’ve come to the right spot.

The devices that are based on carriers aren’t extremely developer-friendly as it’s very difficult to make changes to the system on the device, and unlocking bootloaders is extremely difficult. But we have a great update for Sprint Samsung Galaxy S6 users since the device can be rooted with the CFAR (CF-Auto-Root).

It is the developer of Rootsar is the one behind CF-Auto-Root and thanks to him, we can root easily Galaxy devices.The Root method currently running on baseband version G920PVPS4DQE2.So take a look at the step by step instructions on how you can Root Sprint Galaxy S6 SM-G920P With Android 7.0 Nougat3

Samsung g920p root file

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Download here the Samsung Galaxy SM-G920PCF auto root file to root on your Samsung Galaxy. CF Auto Root is really the easiest method to make use of this on Samsung Galaxy Android devices. It is a root method SuperSU application, and numerous other excellent Android applications. This method of rooting is easy and easy. Samsung supports flashing boxes like Z3X and much more similar to those that use using the Odin Program or Fastboot commands for Nexus Android devices. Check here to determine whether your device is compatible with this fantastic auto rooting tool cf.

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Samsung’s Galaxy S6 (Sprint) SM– G920P specifications and features: it is a 5.1″ (129.2mm) phone with a QHD 2560×1440 screen resolution. This phone runs on the Exynos 7420 processor that has a Quad-Core 1.5 GHz and Quad-Core 2.1 2.0 GHz configuration.

How To Root Samsung devices using CF-Auto-Root

2. Downloaded and extract it onto your desktop computer.

3. Now USB debugging is turned on in your device and you can enable OEM to unlock the feature.

4- Switch on your mobile and switch the phone in ” download mode

5- To enter downloading mode, hit and hold the “Bixby” + “Power”+”Vol Down” buttons until you see the warning screen similar to the one here on the Galaxy S9 Plus.

6. Press the ” Vol Up” button to enter” Download mode“.

7- Now, go to 7-Now open the ” image” folder (from the files that you downloaded earlier) and you’ll see the file titled ” image.tar.md5

8. The next step is to go again to your main directory, and you’ll find similar files/folders similar to the one in the image below.

9-Now, open your ” Odin.exe” file from there.

Then, double click on the Odin executable file to open a window that is similar to the one below. Once you’re done, connect your G920p via a USB connection to the computer. If it was successful, you will see an additional note in your ” Odin” app

Click”AP” and then click the ” AP” button, and then choose”image.tar.md5″ as the “image.tar.md5” file that you located within the ” image” folder (mentioned in the previous paragraph). After that, you can hit on the ” Start” button within the Odin app to start the rooting process.

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The process of rooting with Odin is completely automated, so it doesn’t require any input from the user after it has been the process has begun. Once it’s completed, your Galaxy G920p will be rebooted. When it’s rebooted, you’ll see a “Pass” message in the Odin application.

If you encountered any errors during rooting, you can install a different version” Of Odin ” Odin” application from a different source and try to root.

How To Root

Use these instructions to start Download Mode/Odin Mode

Switch off your device
Hold and press the volume down key the tonic button, and Power Key
If your device starts to vibrate when it vibrates, let go of the Power key while holding the number down keys and the residential key

Warning prior to going into download mode

In the effort to take the initiative to cut off your phone by pressing your facility key for a few seconds. Press and hold the Volume Down and Bixby and Power buttons for a couple of minutes.
Then, you ought to see an options menu that has two choices. In the end, go into Download Mode by pressing the Volume Up button.

Link your gadget to your PC.

Your device will be identified by Odin. On the lower left side part of Odin’s interface, at the lower left of Odin screen, the interface will display a message that reads “Included! “Added!” In the interim, you’ll need to see a light blue-colored box in the ID: COM section, which reads “COM:3” (the numbers are dependent on which USB port you’ve plugged into the device cable and is not important).

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Choose “PDA” or “AP” to display this.md5 files which is available to“Start”.

The fact that the file is“AP” is dependent upon the specific version of Odin which you used. However, the md5 file is assigned in one of two places “AP”.

Add *.md5 to Odin.

After you have uploaded the file after which you click “Start” the flashing process.

“Start” to flash “Start” to flash


Flashing continues. don’t remove your device.

After the flashing process has been completed, you should get a large green box that says “RESET” or “PASSED” (depends on which version of Odin is being used). The device is likely to be rebooted. it’s safe to disconnect your device.

Flash worked.

Download Link:: Link 1:: Link 2:: Link 3:: Link 4:: Link 5:: Link 6

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